Monday, August 31, 2009

Blogg # 4

Este año es muy importante para mi hijo ya que tiene que poner todo su esfuerzo para poder alcanzar el nivel necesario para el colegio. Mi hijo probablemente no se graduara de la high school pero espero que el progama AVID le ayude en algo para que no trabaje en un taco shop en el futuro. Tengo espectativas muy altas para mi hijo aunque se que talves no podra cumplirlas. Pero aun asi se ke tratara lo mas possible.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1. The purpose of this blog is to entertain the viewer since its full of humorous pictures and fascinating new inventions. It gives the reader and viewer the chance to experience something that most probably they haven't ever seen. Once you see this blog you leave hoping tomorrow there is something new there to brighten your day.

2. The speaker is probably a young person who is aiming to share what he thinks is cool and entertain other people while at the same time giving us a quick intro to a new phenomenon that is a wooden mirror. The speaker doesn't have ethos since there is barely any writing but ethos is presented to us through pictures and videos. The ethos presented is humorous and informative.

3. The audience can vary from an elderly person to a child. This kind of information is not subject to anyone specifically. It can be aimed at anyone since almost everyone can have a laugh with some of these pictures.

4. This blog especially got my attention since it was humorous. That was what attracted me the most. There aren't many blogs out there that have that sort of ethos in them. Most are just words which tires me out but instead this one has pictures that have the same effect. If I could I would try to have my blog as comical as the one presented. In my blog I am going to add more comical pictures to brighten up the day for the viewers readers.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Blogg Assiment 2

Broth means thin soup.
This is interesting since broth sounded like a huge variety or extensiveness.

Itemize means list.
This other word is also interesting since itemize sounds to me like to use items or the using of items never would of guessed it meant list.

Forgery means counterfeit.
This word sort of sounded like something illegal since forgery sounds like ''forcar una cerradura'' which in English means force a lock or key hole to get in a house or some where locked.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Responce to Ad

In Mitt Romney's presidential candidate ad he uses heroism when the ad says he rescued the Olympics and turned around a democratic state.The ad involves patriotism when he addresses that he believes in the people of America to return the great strength to this land. Romney uses the understanding of the people to persuade his listeners by singling out some of the most critical problems average people deal with today.

In his ad he further uses camera angels to focus on his facial expressions as to not let viewers get distracted from his over appealing dialogue. Also when he gives his speech the American flag is shown behind him as to show that he is representing America and all Americans. Even the people applauding are shown as to represent that people agree with him. Further more the background music sounds like a music of triumph or the music that is played at the Olympics when someone wins.

A symbol in the ad are the magazines. They represent that Mitt Romney is not any average candidate. It shows he is famous for work out of the presidential candidate and people who see him in the magazine will think of him as some one important to society. For example celebrities are looked up to for there appearance in magazines and television so if Romney is on the magazine people will look up to him.